Cup of patience

Cup of patience
Earthly rulers have been
in madness for many centuries
they are fighting
against their peoples
against their taxpayers
who feed them
they turn young people
into ‘cannon fodder’
sending them to war
from their greed they drown
in theft, lies and crimes
dooming people
hunger, poverty, disease
for their profit they are ready
to betray everything and everyone
they spend ‘the lion's share’
of governmental funds
for armaments, for armies
and their state violence apparatus
for their own benefit
on the one hand
they scare their nations
with threats of terrorism
on the other hand
they finance secretly
terrorism and extremism
and establish
legalized state terror
they set peoples and countries
against each other
they appropriated
all the wealth of the earth's interior
all the gifts of nature to themselves
they instituted unrighteous courts
and appoint judges
deciding cases in their favor
they destroy rights and freedoms
the world can change this order
if ones destroy private property
eliminate borders
bureaucracy, armies, armaments
otherwise mankind
will destroy itself
or will be destroyed
by the surrounding nature
which is damaged
by human existence
Isn't ‘the cup of patience’