You Live In My Heart

You Live In My Heart
To my lovely wife dedicated…
Oh girl, my love, my darling,
 You’re always in my heart,
 Both shedding tears and smiling,
 There’s nothing else as bright.
 Being far from you, I now
 Remember brown eyes,
 Your face and lips and how
 We braided secret ties:
 Your letter, my impatience,
 Awaiting you, until
 We met in a bus station;
 My woes when you were ill...
 The silk of your long hair,
 The bliss of your caress,
 The relish of the air
 About your charming breast.
When sleeping or while working
I dream of you, my sweet!
And even if you smoking,
You cause my heart's strong beat!
last edited in 2008, Apr 2012
Thanks to Schetin Vyacheslav for ideas on improvement (especially it's about 1, 3, 4 quatrains)...