Marguerite Smith - The beach

The Ocean waves are calm and peaceful.
Feeling my soul with tranquility.
I close my eyes and rest
This has to be the best.
Riding the waves that take me far away
The smells of a summer bouquet.
A place of such serenity
The beach that calms the weary broken spirit.
Peace like a dove
The calm from Gods nature below and above.
© Marguerite Smith, 2022
Простої та світлої днини
Пливуть океанськими хвилями,
Мов чистим потоком рутини,
Ці рими, лазуррю овіяні.
І хоч моря дихання свіже
Мене заспокоює лагідно,
Душі заклопотаний тиждень,
Скуйовджений гамірно,
Стихає. Так стишені Божі
Та янгольські всі сновидіння.
Цей спокій над пляжем тотожний
До сталості й міці терпіння.
Доповненe щемом щоденним
У грізних душі підземеллях,
Злітає, мов голуб Равенни,
Натхнення понад теревені.
© Translated into Ukrainian by Maryna Tchianova , 2022
NB! The original poem might be used for education purposes.
The derivative work written by me might differ from Ms Smith's original artistic intention, however
the most of of the imagery contained in the English version is left unchanged, but for several images/symbols.
For further reproduction please contact Ms Smith's respective co-authors, literary agents or publishers abroad. In case the text is to be reactualized/retranslated into some additional languages, I hope the quality of these derivatives stays high enough for readers in the respective countries to enjoy them.
If you represent any major English-speaking literary studios/publishers, please update Ms Smith's readers about changes in the way her works are presented to the public/audience.