A Woman Never Wants To Fight...

A Woman never wants to fight,
To get involved in any row…
She should be loved not for the sight
Of super-trendy hair glow;
In fact, you didn't fall in Love
With fine appearance of Hers:
Your lips were holding back that ‘wow’
When HER SOUL was igniting yours!
A Woman needs a heart’s refuge
And to be placed among all Gods;
Her faith, miraculous and huge,
Must not be killed by careless words…
If you betray Her, she won’t die,-
She can endure any pain!
But it is YOU who won’t survive
When, finally, She walks away.
What will you do then? Do not laugh
And say that your life’s fully yours;
It is your surface that is tough,
But what’s behind that screen craves warmth.
True Love… Ungracious and unplanned.
And here’s what it’s all about:
If you want Her, then hold Her hand,
And never ever let it out!
(с)Jenia Mars, August 2019 - June 2021
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