Chinese Box


Searching and searching, going and going
Trying to find something important
Trying to hide all the tears
Trying to find.
Life is important
Till love isn’t floated
Now. Always. Important.
Now and always!
Now, say something.
Sadness. What’s the use to hide…
Nothing’s left
In the end
When you have found
What you were searching.
So see the earth,
See the light,
Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin
See and just let it fly
Let it fly,
Let it shine without you
You’re all alone and you know it
Even though you know
Where she is
What she is
Deep in the soul of the China
Deep in the soul of the West
And East as the one
Thirst of life, thirst for life
And the strongest of all instincts
And the deepest of all feelings
Fear and hope
Buried and reborn.
Again and again
Circle and circle
And you are standing in…
On the edge, before the emptiness
Before the everything
Let it fly
So let it fly.