Бледно-белая тень (Procol Harum)
"Фанданго"* мы пропустим,
Брось крышечки на пол.
Морской болезни чувство.
За большим я пришел.
Тяжелое жужжанье,
Слетает потолок,
По дринку заказали,
и бармен приволок.
И дальше все, как раньше.
Словно Миллер описал,
Будто лик ее без фальши
Бледно-белой тенью стал.
"Причины нет," - сказала:
"Явь правды так видна."
Ушел играть я в карты,
И вдаль ушла она.
Шестнадцать дев-весталок
Пляшут там на берегу,
И, хоть мои глаза открыты,
Открыть их не могу.
И дальше все, как раньше.
Словно Миллер описал,
Будто лик ее без фальши
Бледно-белой тенью стал.
И потом так было
Она там, где берег моря,
Но правда - в море мы плывем.
"Дева, с зеркалом не спорят," -
доказал. Вся правда в нем.
Ты русалкой обернулась,
И с Нептуном ты в друзьях.
Грустно дева улыбнулась,
Умерли и гнев, и страх.
И дальше все, как раньше.
Словно Миллер описал,
Будто лик ее без фальши
Бледно-белой тенью стал.
Хлеб любви-мелодий звуки,
Королевой станет смех.
Все, что сзади, фронтом будет.
Правды грязь чиста для всех.
И мой рот вдруг стал картонным,
Ты чрез голову скользишь,
Быстро вышли мы из строя,
Миг, в кровати ты лежишь.
И дальше все, как раньше.
Словно Миллер описал,
Будто лик ее без фальши
Бледно-белой тенью стал.
*Fandango - пивной напиток с фруктовым соком
Авторы: Гэри Брукер, стихи Кита Рида.
Whiter shade of pale
We skipped the light fandango
Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor
I was feeling kinda seasick
But the crowd called out for more
The room was humming harder
As the ceiling flew away
When we called out for another drink
The waiter brought a tray
And so it was that later
As the miller told his tale
That her face, at first just ghostly
Turned a whiter shade of pale
She said, there is no reason
And the truth is plain to see'
But I wandered through my playing cards
And would not let her be
One of sixteen vestal virgins
Who were leaving for the coast
And although my eyes were open
They might have just as well've been closed
And so it was that later
As the miller told his tale
That her face at first just ghostly
Turned a whiter shade of pale
And so it was that later
She said, 'I'm home on shore leave,'
Though in truth we were at sea
So I took her by the looking glass
And forced her to agree
Saying, 'You must be the mermaid
Who took Neptune for a ride.'
But she smiled at me so sadly
That my anger straightway died
And so it was that later
As the miller told his tale
That her face at first just ghostly
Turned a whiter shade of pale
If music be the food of love
Then laughter is its queen
And likewise if behind is in front
Then dirt in truth is clean
My mouth by then like cardboard
Seemed to slip straight through my head
So we crash-dived straightway quickly
And attacked the ocean bed
And so it was that later
As the miller told his tale
That her face at first just ghostly
Turned a whiter shade of pale