Story of my life

Story of my life
She must keep on this way 
And feel it with her heart 
But something also say - 
She'll stop before the start. 
So hard to understand.. 
If human you or not. 
You sleep,walk,eat,talk and 
Not all will see a lot..
But that,who knows her soul 
Will think, "Is she alright?" 
And suddenly the whole 
Picture will be right.
She has a secret,yes. 
And maybe something bad. 
These thoughts,as cruel press 
Begin to squeese friends' head.
And once, the pain he feel 
Will fully him engross. 
And guy will try to heal 
Her mind and soul,because..
He loves her,very much 
And he can sware to God, 
That wants to be her crutch, 
Her help,her strength,her rod.
Without a doubt,his life 
Will be no more a blende. 
And overcoming strifes 
He'll be hers till the end.