​Inner killer

I’m fed up of poisoned thoughts about the past!
They continue killing me day by day.
I haven’t found a saving drug even in lust,
That was supposed to give a better way.
Nothing helps, even sleep and round pills.
Every day starts from the phrase:”Oh, again…”
And the feeling of anger and sorrow just drills,
But the worst feeling is not a physical pain…
I am bleeding inside cause of the demons.
Their name is well-known-it’s regrets.
Everybody has injected these venoms,
And after this action you are in your own made nets.
Hundreds of memories appear like flashes,
They are bedeviling my wounded soul!
These demons burn it to the ashes,
After this trial I just wanna howl…
It’s so hard to see my past mistakes and fails.
In these moments you realize all the harm.
But it is too late, you’ve been already crucified with nails,
You are bleeding, this is for everything you have done.
Every day I face this feeling of rage,
Because I can’t return everything back.
Maybe it goes away in another age,
Otherwise I will certainly wreck…
I don’t know how to cope with this staff,
Nobody’s answered this question before.
All I know is that there is no use in wrath,
Cause it kills from inside, nothing more…