The era of living robots

Today’s man has become nothing more than a robot.
The only difference is that he is alive, even breathing.
But he is considered like the king of the world, he is free!
Now I’m going to destroy such a nonsense misleading.
As he says he is perfect, almost the all-powerful God.
Actually there is no much difference between him and a bee.
He likes to amuse himself by this stupid flattering,
But somewhere deep understands - he’ll never be free.
He was gifted such a wide range of healing emotions,
But what is he actually using? Let’s see:
Only anger, fury and hate. What a fucking surprise!
That’s exactly the man his society wants him to be.
Day by day he is given too much invisible potions,
Which only destroy his reality, give enslaving lies.
For example:”I certainly have to bring up a child, plant a tree! ”
It’s so sad that his freedom and life is the only acceptable price.
Since the very beginning it starts and there’s no way back:
The society has launched the programme which takes away lives,
It’s some kind of programming a computer, even much worse,
So from the very start he is injected with about eight billions eyes.
And he must to continue the way that has been determined- the track,
Which has been appointed for him to follow, so he’s like a horse.
But the saddest thing in all this – is that no matter how hard he tries,
He’ll be anyway under the owner, will be used like a horse.
But that’s not enough for the system of exploitation,
It wants him to be in delusions all the time of his miserable existence.
It’s better for the society him to be like a robot, gutless,
Cause it’s easier when there is no any kind of resistance.
As a result it gets a perfect example of human degradation,
When a man is greedy, appeasable, annoying and thoughtless.
He tries to be away from anything unusual, to be in a distance,
Otherwise he’ll be reprogrammed or called crazily hopeless.
But is there still a way out for few little brave men?
You know, I really don’t have a clue what I should say.
They just want to be free from the chains called “Modern World”.
And an ordinary phrase won’t help here, I mean: “You better pray”.
But who am I to say what is possible or not? I’m just a man,
Who is tired of looking at this farce in nowadays world.
I’m just saying that as for me, I would rather be brought up another way,
Than to be as pathetic as you, hold on to YOUR principals, just hold, hold…