
“He smokes like a train which brings steam!
These kids start drinking at seven years old!”-
It is not a film that we are watching on a screen.
It is a real story that we have been told.
Remember…Our parents told us about fairies and gnomes.
These wonder tales gave us the food for dreaming.
We built the finest castles, but they were just our homes.
And still it was enough for our happy child being!
Remember…All day we were spinning around the street.
The weather and time couldn’t stop jolly games.
We didn’t know a disgusting feeling of greed.
We were fully free from the Devil’s scalding flames.
Remember...The first love was as pure as white snow.
It was strange, but we caught every snowflake.
Tried to make a great fortress from snow,
Thought we didn’t make any mistake…
Remember…Our parents were too strict sometimes,
But we could feel their love, it heated us.
They always simply stopped our cries.
We felt, they loved us…
Remember… When we took lessons how to ride,
There always was a father’s shoulder which would catch you.
Your mom defended you from every bite.
They loved, they loved, they loved you…
Look at us now. What do you see?
These stupid parents do not care about their child.
They are just cramming him! What it will be?!
This child will be harsh and wild.
Instead of bringing up these spoiled kids,
We better care about our mental health.
We should create them bits by bits,
But first, should start from ourself.