We were promised

We were promised
we were promised the road to the heaven.
we were promised the ray of moonlight.
we were promised the sky number seven.
we were promised to live till we die.

we were blessed to be angels on earth.
we were blessed by the God or the Devil.
to discover the South and North,
to be precious with hearts made of amber

we are people with sold out souls
with expiring blessings above.
and instead of the chest we have holes
with disgustingly mutable love.

we have known for the permanent enmity
since humanity started to breathe.
let me give you small pieces of sympathy,
then the river of fondness will seethe

we are standing and staring at shadows,
as they moving and covering clouds.
we are standing on barrows and meadows,
cause we’re promised, but now we have doubts.