
In colors bright, a figure stands,
With painted face and jesting hands,
A clown of mirth, a merry soul,
Whose laughter fills the circus bowl.
With oversized shoes and a nose so red,
He dances and prances, his antics widespread,
A jester of the ring, a whimsical sprite,
Spreading joy and laughter into the night.
Behind the mask, a deeper tale,
Of joy and sorrow, both prevail,
For every grin hides a tear unseen,
In this circus world, where dreams convene.
He juggles woes with practiced grace,
Balancing life's challenges with a smiley face,
A symbol of resilience, in the face of strife,
Finding humor in the rhythms of life.
Yet beneath the makeup, a human heart beats,
Yearning for connection in crowded streets,
For beyond the laughter and comic charade,
Lies a soul seeking solace in the masquerade.
So here's to the clown, with his colorful guise,
Bringing cheer to all with twinkling eyes,
In a world that needs laughter, now more than ever,
The clown remains, a timeless endeavor.