what naivety lead to

A fool in power, with cunning speech,
Promises of hope, yet actions breach,
Into darkness, he led the way,
A country's dreams turned to dismay.
With lies and deceit, he gained control,
A puppet master with a tainted soul,
Under his rule, the land bled red,
Sold out to darkness, the people misled.
Families torn, lives left in shreds,
As fear and tyranny cast their threads,
In search of refuge, they roam the earth,
Seeking new homes, for what they're worth.
Amidst the chaos, whispers rise,
Of distant lands and clear blue skies,
Where freedom blooms and hearts can heal,
Beyond the grasp of power's steel.
In their eyes, a glimmer of hope,
As they navigate lands, climb each slope,
For in the heart of every weary soul,
Resides a longing to be whole.
Though scattered far, their spirits soar,
In dreams of peace and open door,
A new homeland awaits, yet to be found,
Where shattered lives can be unbound.