autemn winds

In me the north sea lowers the waves on a cliff,
Thunderstorm over the field sparkles at night,
and the voice is low, unfamiliar,
my calling to the world of farewells and dreams.
Away from the castles of the city,
where the smell of peppermint, and pine forest,
lying in the shadow and whisper,
all relatives i hear,
the scences of the oblique,
let it be ~ secret,
and see the night, beyond the horizont,
 that spreads her knees,
Let the diamonds of the stars flare up above,
what gives me,
let me hear your moan,
through killometers,
A stone sparkles in my hand,
and your gaze slides towards me,
your bright eyes
what gives me hope,
its only one i will save,
he is dearer to me, than a gold and
let fools to fight for cracking palaces,
I do not hold you.