The voice of my spring

The voice of my spring


So slowly pass the last winter days
And each of this days so much to me says:
In weakening Frost just calling the horn!
All feelings, were sleepeing – will now return!
And now the sky on its magical wing
Will finally bring the voice of my spring!
So plenty of time was waiting in cold,
I saw it in dream - much greater as world!
Was hurting my body, was breaking my heart,
And only last step – the road to start!...
Just now the sky on its magical wing
Will finally bring the breath of my spring!
The magic of spring - eternally strength!
The clouds and wind - a beautiful dance!
Some moments to wait, and hours – to fly,
Enjoying this flash - non-stop in the sky!
And only the sky with its magical wing
Forewer will bring the heart of my spring!..
декабрь 2000