PROLOGUE.                                                                                                                                Mr. probz-waves mystery and treasure even if her soul is wise. After all, many people who are faithful to mundane notions of humanity are judged only by its cover. Some are not even interested in her innermost thread of talents. People look only at what they themselves can understand money, work, home, socializing. But what is the only communication that they have created around themselves. And suddenly appears on earth, too. No not from outer space. She looks like a man, lives, breathes , talks, how – to and in the same language that they did, but no one can understand her and she can't understand how they live so don't understand the essence of earthiness these people. They'd laugh only that and the sky bluer, the stars brighter and the sun is warm, like a child. And the fact that here on earth should be the first work, money, avarice, greed, dirt of monetary relations, it does not work even by itself. And get to live because no one lives. And her little alien to live among the people, because we all live in society. But that's not the essence of all problems. Because the alien increased into an adult and life gets more complicated. Innoplanta but the essence never goes away.
                                   1 CHAPTER "FIRST LOVE"
 The Holy science — to hear each other       
  through the wind at all times Two pilgrims eternal —
 love and parting — share with us in full
Spring is already in full showered and flourished with greenery all over the countryside. The sun is pleased every day ,warming the air getting warmer and warmer. Around bloomed and pleasing to the eye orchards.
Olga was going to school. Her room was in a mud brick house in one of villages of the Krasnodar territory, where she and her mother Valentina Ivanovna lived together.
 Father they never had. He divorced her mother when she was a baby. Valentina's late, we can say, in thirty years, gave birth to a daughter. Vadim was thirty-two years, when he found a young, twelve years younger than his girlfriend and left his wife for her, and she bore him a young son.
For Valentina it was the injury of life, she was disappointed in herself and decided to devote herself to the upbringing of his daughter.
In the room Olga had said that the mother with all the responsibility went to the soul development of their child.
 On the walls okiennych pink Wallpapers pictures hung in frames, they were very talented, one of them was painted with oil paints present a bouquet of lilac in a blue vase on the background of the table under a white tablecloth and the Windows covered with blue curtains, this picture of Olga drew while studying at art school, two years ago, and the second picture depicted a portrait of Valentina, but she was depicted on a Golden throne in the dress, as if decorated with diamonds, this picture where mother Olga represented in the form of Catherine the great, the daughter gave the mother a month ago for her birthday. Given talents the girls admired mother and teachers.
In the corner of the room stood a piano. The girl loved music. At the window stood a Desk, computer, office chair than it is now or anyone will be surprised. Wardrobe, sofa, big Teddy bear. Further proof of the talent of the girls was a pile of manuscripts of novels, which she wrote at the table and I must admit they were very talented. Mother reading them was amazed at the development of language, imagination, and most importantly some interesting ties her daughter, I think with the cosmos, as it is not the Mall to understand where takes her daughter stories for their manuscripts. At the moment Olga was in eleventh class, preparing for upcoming tests. The girl was walking for a medal. This was one for the whole school. Valentina was very proud of her. But she knew she would ,as it was complicated by Olga relationship with classmates. The girl has almost no friends. Only one of all classmates Julia, to go with her and communicated with her since the first grade. All laughed at her because of any cultural good it seemed on the background of classmates. They called it a "Miracle" that occurred from the word strange, "alien" - because of the fact that she even spoke differently than her peers, her erudition and talent for literature and many other Sciences were added who to get or who just don't understand, she a modern girl may not be interested in the iPhones, computers, new fashion trends, and not interested in boys of her age was generally something out of the ordinary. This morning going to school the girl, always wearing school uniform, came to the table. Valentine was setting the table. The Breakfast was the usual coffee, bread and mom's raspberry jam. Sitting at the same table with my mother, Olga remarked, as a mother concerned about the apparently upcoming serious conversation with her, his own daughter. Her face was serious, the right cheek strangely pulsed Vidova something serious on the soul of the mother, in the hands of Valentina was holding a white handkerchief and nervously fingered it. Even when she was talking to my daughter on the topic of boys, but now decided to speak.
- Mom, what happened? – decided to ask Olga.
-No, I never spoke to you about this and don't even know how to begin. – suddenly said to her mother. Olka sat on a corner table. The mother looked at her strangely troubled. - You sat on the corner. Sit close to this unrequited love.
 -Yeah, well, this is nonsense. – podinovskii to the mother said Olga with a smile.
 -Yes, of course silly, but so they say. You drink your coffee. – said Valentina with a smile.
– I was going to talk to you. I communicate with Julia's mom and she said that her daughter only boys in mind, studies have gone, the mother is rude, the lessons withdrawn. Is that so?
 - Yes, there is. She almost never learns since by den Yakovlev had sent to meet. - Who is this Dan? – mother asked.
 -Yes, it's our classmate. The tall blond in the school. He's a good one. Very beautiful son Valentin Pavlovich head of our Administration. – she replied.
 -And Denis. Well Yes it is, it's beautiful. Why she had been skipping her lessons.
 -They go to restaurants, clubs, cinema, he's got a lot of money. – this phrase she lowered her eyes and as Bud sobbed. She really liked Denis. But she was his "miracle", "alien". He didn't notice her. Valentine all stink in the eyes of his daughter.
 -Everything is clear. But I hope you don't get hung up on the boys? - just in case his mother asked. - No. – downcast eyes lied to Olga.
- What happened?- concerned about Valentine. – Are you lying to me?
 -Almost no. – said Olga. -It's like, almost!!! suddenly raised his voice mother. Olga was silent.
-I demand an answer!!! – said the mother.
- He loves Julia and not me. I "the miracle", "alien", "monster". – suddenly started sobbing Olya. - Why? – said her mother.- You are very beautiful my girl.
 - Then why the whole class calling me that? –she burst into tears. -Yes, they are just jealous. You are very talented, you paint, play the piano, write novels, and they can't do it.
-They are not interested they said. I also said that since I just silly and no one need behave.- cried Olga. Then Valentine realized that her daughter was ripping on in class and because of this it does not pay attention Denis. And her daughter Olga seriously fell in love.
 -So, stop!!! Dismissed the nurse there, the sky to study this year, and you think about Den. Don't you dare!!! – Mother yelled, knocking his fist on the table. She thought as always before the ban will be efektiven. -Well.
Olga wiped her tears and went to get ready for school. Code he dressed in his favorite jacket, long Oranjewoud and bright girl with bright blue eyes, dark blonde long hair to her waist, tall and well made is very noticeable. And not doubleValue and tried to belittle in the eyes of her boys classmates, but innocent and naive and could not think about such greed. And therefore seemed to be classmates, "miracle", "alien". Then Valentina went to her daughter with a new box from under footwear.
 -Daughter, I bought you the shoes now try.
Thank you. –smiled Olya.
 - You try it first.
Olga opened the box there was a spring long boots stockings on a huge stud. Surprise and admiration was reflected on the girl's face. Mother had always forbidden her to wear such things. You're a big from me, I decided that it's time for you to have such a thing. Wearing them ,Olga looked amazing. To ignore it was difficult. Thank you. smiling she kissed her mother. -Well go to school.
 -Yeah. Olga left the apartment.
 -Beauty. – anxious, but the rapture on her face looked her in the trail of mother. –
On this day Olga met with special enthusiasm. She's a top student was placed leading last call. And the last call was to give her beloved Denis.
Today oddly when she wanted to be the best, because it is the highest and most beautiful guy in school, an athlete, she enthusiastically taught his achievements in sport and music.
He had to see to it that no one better than her.
Olga - Suddenly called her mother, – Come here.
Valentine, while waiting for daughter to come to her. Took from his pocket a box, one can see from under the jewelry, when she opened her Olga saw her magnificent beauty earrings in gold with pearls, small and some sun, we see immediately selected with love.
- Try'. –Mother smiled.
- Mommy, thank you. –Hugged her Olga, and immediately put them on.
-Today's your day. Today is your Denis will blow your mind. And at the prom again.
- You're right. –Olga Smiled.
- Well, come, I will tie your tresses.
And went to Olga on the last call in a white shirt and a black skirt with red ribbon "Graduate 2007" , with beautiful makeup, and new earrings.
When she came in the classroom before going out into the hall sat all the classmates.
- Oh, look a "miracle" for the first time in my life wearing makeup. said that Julia Is Still wearing earrings. The world today is turned upside down.
La sprang to her feet, her white hair beautifully tied up in a modest updo, suddenly broke down, the clip broke. The whole class laughed, except for Denis, as noted by all, she ran out of the class. Denis followed her.
Along the way, he turned towards Olga.
- All because of you!!! He said and lunged for Julia, calling her name.
Almost to bring tears to the eyes of Olga. Dennis is handsome in a black suit and shoes; they thought it was now all my fault and reassured Julia, not her.
Five minutes later the bell rang. Their homeroom teacher Gretta p., part-time English teacher, entered the classroom behind her ran Denis and Julia. They were upset.
Walking past her Desk ,Dennis again turned to her, a cold breath from his grey, steely eyes.
- I'll get back to you because she dumped me!!! – He whispered.
-So, do not quarrel! – Noticed that Gretta Pavlovna. – I beg you.
When they all sat down. The teacher explained to them how things should happen on the last call. And they all went into the hall.
The school gym was decorated with balloons, ribbons, labels farewell to the school. Everything was so nice for Oli, because the school was her favorite place.
When they entered the hall ,all the parents sat in the hall. Valentine , mother Olga, Svetlana, Denis's mother, sat in the front row, so to speak, because Denis and Olga were the best in the class.
And then the Director began to hold the first call.
Like many in this word
The last school bell,
Don't come to school you again
Will not begin a new lesson!
You adults, so,
It's time for them to leave the schools,
And heart for all of you crying,
The hour of parting came!
Dear students, our favorite guys! The last school bell's ring out for you. Soon will be all exams, and you will keep the walls of the school. For ten years you become wiser, have learned much and learned a lot, began to understand the social life, find friends, girlfriends, and maybe even come to know love. There are among you those who regularly or occasionally defended the honor of the school at sporting events (Denis Yakovlev – boxer, multiple medalist of the city and district competitions, CCM – candidat master of sports Andrey Safronov judo two-time gold medal winner of the district competition , Yury Sevostyanov – to-hand fighting , three times silver winner of city competitions), and those who won contests on various Sciences (Olga Lobankova – multiple winner of Olympiads in physics, mathematics, Russian, history and literature, Yulia Sviridova – winner of two Olympiads in foreign languages). Начало формы Конец формы - Geek how Olga does not stand out. – Quietly said Denis.
Those who participated in the contests of Amateur performances (Oleg Smirnov – the best singer in our girs as it turned out district, composes and plays his own songs, Nina Pechenova our best as a pianist , Sasha Simakov – better all danced belly dancing.). Please accept our many thanks for your work. I wish you all to pass successfully the final examinations, to determine the future a guide to life and remember their school. Also with all the administration of the school we Express our gratitude to the parents who have always supported school activities and was an active participant in school life .
Mothers were handed letters of thanks. Valentina's eyes gleamed then tears of joy.
After the Director read the decision of the pedagogical Council on the admission of all children for final exams.
Then began to tell Olga that going for a medal pupil, was entrusted to become the leading.
- My first teacher,
My Foundation and my support,
I will not forget your speeches never,
Be proud of me before!
We all first came to the first class. And then our guide to the world of knowledge and friendship was the first teacher. It was she who gave us the first elements of school life.
The word is the first teacher.
All before they released their first teacher Julia, dear almost retired, with blond curls and blue as Vasiliki eyes.
-My dear graduates. I still remember your first call. Here it seems like only yesterday you were little fragile Chicks, but now you have such large. I remember Denis Yakovlev went by the handle with Olga Lobankova...
Oh, Dan, you went then with a Miracle. – Laughed softly Oleg.
-Shut up!!! – Dan said, Bud ashamed of her.
As Julia continued.
- I am very proud and Olga, and Julia, Nadia, Denis, and Oleg and all of you. I wish you always to be the best and I wish you happiness in life.
Then the graduates sang the song "my first Teacher".
I open the door to the class
And remember the best moments,
When you first learned of us
Funny we were without a doubt.
We rules told the Board.
And white chalk in hand held.
We were all your students
Funny, mischievous kids.
My very first teacher the.
The recognition we extend to you today.
I sincerely thank you say
And sincerely thank you for everything.
For the tale, for smiling, for the dream,
For sincere kindness of heart.
Dear loyal for knowledge led.
Life lessons we gave You.
I remember my first lesson,
From the words of your miracle we waited for.
A cheerful chime sang the call,
We're in the sticks notebooks wrote.
Painfully grieved you for an hour
But joy sometimes more.
You forgot and felt sorry for us.
Sorry for the mistakes, please.
My very first teacher the.
The recognition we extend to you today.
I sincerely thank you say
And sincerely thank you for everything.
For the tale, for smiling, for the dream,
For sincere kindness of heart.
Dear loyal for knowledge led.
Life lessons we gave You
On the loss of recitative:
We remember you all by name.
And you are forever in our hearts.
And that is why we will always tell you: 'Thank you!'
:Fairy tale, for smiling, for the dream,
For sincere kindness of heart.
Dear loyal for knowledge led.
Life lessons we gave You:
Life lessons we gave You.
Then Olga spoke again.
The one we were brought up,
The one that led to the goal,
And let often abused,
And the one that took care of us.
The one that sought to unite,
The one that loved our laughter!
Accept thanks
Today, from all of us!
-Again, the Miracle says. – Set up against it class Denis.
The one support throughout their school career, the one that nurtured us and United, the one that became the second mother — mistress. Even today, parting with your colleagues, you will not forget them and we will remember you for a long time.
The floor is given to the class teacher.
Gretta Petrovna, too, was dark-haired, with strict form, but a very nice woman of pre - pension age.
- My dear I love you so much. I have no words to describe how proud I am of you. I also wish you happiness and success in life. Because this is important.
Olga continued.
Thank you, teachers, you for the knowledge
For wisdom and rigor sometimes
For speciv classes,
We were in no hurry to go home.
That praised and believed,
For you have raised us!
For in the days of evil and gray
Could we be distracted for an hour!
Our favorite teachers we will never forget. You gave us a huge world of knowledge, experience and wisdom!
The word is given to present teachers, those who want to congratulate their graduates!
First came the teacher of physics and mathematics Olga, then Vera Stepanovna, the teacher of Russian and literature, so all the cute Uliginosa the heart of a teacher congratulated them on last call.
And continued Olga.
Thank you, we are talking today,
And bow low to the floor
My sweet parents,
For their kindness and care!
For the angelic work and patience,
For help in everything and always,
Today your excitement
We share in full! Начало формы Конец формы Our parents for ten long years was decided for us lessons, helped in the development of the science, has brought us to school and meet with us today, last call!
The word is given to parents.
First came mom honors and called.
- Our dear children, we love you and very proud of you. – Early Valentine, Holguin mom.
- We have not noticed how you have grown. With tears in his eyes, said Julia, the mother of Denis.
- We wish You happiness and victories in all. Said Valentine.
Sitting next to Denis Oleg said.
Oh, and the mother with the mother of a Miracle happened. Damn why not mine.
-We need to learn to be better. Said Den.
Meanwhile, Olga continued.
Today came to congratulate the graduates and toddlers — first-graders, we were. In.... year we came to the first class. And today is ready to say goodbye to the school.
Before the graduates came out beautiful and very cute kids girl and boy. As said, their first teacher Vika and Yura. The girl was blonde, and the blonde boy.
First grader 1:
We are wonderful boys,
Your little brother!
First grader 2:
We are a wonderful girls
Your younger sister!
First-grader 3:
Passed like a moment 10 years
Now you helmet hi!
First grader 4:
Here soon and the time
When the bell farewell bell!
The first-graders 5:
Take W a Bang!
Our "no fluff, no pen!"
The first-graders 6:
Donate the success of the job!
We wish you goodbye!
The first graders presented the graduates with flowers.
Olga suddenly remembered a time when he and Dan had it too and was also awarded the graduates with flowers. Little tears welled up in her eyes.
And again she continued.
Well, sad friends?
Let's not discouragement!
Let's believe always,
That will only be happiness from now on!
Further poems read by graduates.
A Graduate Of 1 Denis Yakovlev:
Time flies fleeting,
Swept like a while 10 years
Childhood is leaving forever,
Leaving us with the sad mark!
Graduate Of 2 Olga Lopatnikova:
Yes, the book is about his childhood too close to the interchange,
Soon over happy dreams,
Not waiting for someone else prompts
All tasks have to decide for themselves!
Graduate 3 Yury Sevostyanov:
Not all roads are so smooth,
Not all tests will be easy!
Now life is like a notebook,
Pure — without a single line.
Graduate Yulia Sviridova 4:
The school now sees,
Ended childhood lesson
Flies.. And freeze
Here it is — last call!
And Dennis has planted itself on my shoulder, baby Vika and they gave last call. Beauty was not forgotten, as it seemed loving Olga, a beautiful baby on his shoulder, a huge two zero five height and very beautiful Denis.
Played the song.
"When we will leave from the school yard"
When we will leave from the school yard,
The sound ageless waltz.
The teacher goes to the corner
And back again, and again with him in the morning:
Meet them, teach them, and then say goodbye,
When we will leave from the school yard.
Go to a quiet school floors;
Here lived and understood a lot:
The voice was timid, chalk in his hand trembled,
But you're home with a victory fled.
And if luck suddenly dropped off the map completely,
Go to a quiet school floors.
We always opened the school door,
To say goodbye to her no need to hurry.
How could I forget zvona call drops
And the girl who carried the briefcase.
Let then nothing happen again
We always opened the school door.
Thanks for the end of the lessons there,
Although waiting with hope of change.
But life is a special subject.
Will ask new questions in response.
But you will certainly find the solution.
Thanks for the end of the lessons there.
The participants left the auditorium! Начало формы Конец формы  
After last call, the evening included a disco. Olga seldom went to such events, but today was going to go. Wearing new jeans, blue, narrowed down and a white fitted shirt, also blue, which sparkled and glittered in the light, spreading a chic below-the-belt hair, she wore makeup and went out.
Goto to the disco she saw at the House of Culture girls from her class, they all looked at her with obvious displeasure, because among them all was Julia.
One of them is Nadia, who was rightfully the best friend of Julia, he immediately pounced on it.
- Oh, a Miracle came. All dressed up. – Said it all. And they immediately turned in her direction.
Full black-eyed and dark-haired Nadia, Armenian Ty long-haired and black, very tall and thin girl, and of course Julia little thin with a fashionable haircut, now the white hair to his shoulders, and fake nails.
- Yeah, she's probably celebrating that Julia Dan scolded. Said this, exacerbating the situation, Ty.
On any celebrating. – Almost with tears in his eyes, said Julia. She was jealous of me. Its all the guys in the class hate, how to attract attention!
Olga really wanted to fight. She realized that she is very guilty and wanted to apologize. She realized that Dan will never be her, and even though they loved him since the first grade, his happiness was to her the dearest thing on earth.
When you love someone truly you are able to retreat so he was happy.
-Julia, I love him, but if his happiness is you I'll back off. – Said Olga with sadness in his eyes.
- Retreat, where you gonna go! – Nadia Smiled. – You Wonder – Ugly!
-Julia, I'm sorry , I was wrong. – Cried Olga.- What can I do to make you forgive me.
- I'm sorry. And you are telling me now that we broke up with him!!! – As if laughing angrily, yelled Julia. Yeah, you Wonder your whole life with envy perdel here and made sure we broke up!!! Get out of here, or I'll break your fucking face!!! This time it is to protect you not!!!
Olga has departed from there and went to the dance hall house of culture. The music played is modern and very beautiful. She decided to dance. But then he noticed the laughter and mockery.
Looking around she noticed in the corner by the window of the den, they with Oleg and other classmates is clearly over her laughed.
-Wonder how the goat jumps. – Laughed nervously Oleg.
-Neither the goat, and like a fool ass shaking. Said former in a drunken state Denis.
Olga is angry, his words hurt. She decided to teach him a lesson for saying that.
Frowning when she went to the guys, Dan was still laughing.
-Oh-Oh-Oh Miracle was angry, now I will kill you.
Olga stopped near him.
- What, are you stupid!? – Clearly already staggering ,said the guy.
The girl slapped him in the face.
Wow. –Nervously shook his head Den.
Then he grabbed her by the hair and with one hand long hair on a fist and the other fist punched her in the face. The blow was very strong, because he was a boxer. The girl fell on her knees, sobbing and holding his face. All the kids came running to see what happened.
You! –They laughed.
Dan saw that she started to climb said.
Is not revenge. A terrible accident waiting for you. You will live not looking up from the ground!
Olga ran home crying. Начало формы Конец формы