\\Night is come\\
Only light like kiss of night,
Who as White like Your eyes,
So insight is true sight in Your bright,
And Our fight, midnight, moonlight, might Your heart,
Looking for Love, like kiss of night,
Love is flight and night choose Your eyes,
Night close Your eyes,
Love have light like feel smile,
Love so White and see a some Sky,
Love as Last and First to do so Past!
\\Night and Light 23:00\\
Only White as the secret of night,
Can You can;
And Sun open Your eyes and to do this only nice,
And Space feel too ice,
And Moon and Night as Love and White...
love Your face
\\Midnight 24:00\\
Tonight and dinide mistakes in Your blessing hands
And have no end to heal Our mind!
As who You find!!
As light for right, for Love,
One heart plus other heart,
His heart plus her heart,
Heart eye and Right eye,
Love eye and True eye,
Your eyes,
Your beautiful eyes.
\\So night\\
And beautiful night,
So beautiful light,
Your beautiful smile,
Your beautiful eyes!!!
Like kiss, like kiss.