Hearing the past (for Chazy Chaz)
Навсегда в моей памяти, в сердце и плейлисте.
Hearing the past which has a certain voice,
Hard to feel it with every cell in my body;
But with closed eyes I will face the imminence,
'Cause I know now: the sun sets for us always.
I’m crying not out of sadness or pity,
I just cannot do anything else, can I?
So, all I have to – keep my sympathy
And look to the stars burning in the sky.
You deserved much – even more, how I think.
At times I want to tick the life again,
Hoping with all heart that your suffering
Will be rewarded with peace without pain.
When this world seems absolutely unfair –
Every next chance is lost, so many souls have gone –
How can you not believe in parallel?
Even if I’m not there, I can imagine one...
Somewhere in eternity the marine breeze
Kissing warm skin; wounds not remain;
Happiness reflecting in the coffee eyes deep,
And affectionate voice is calling your name.
P.S.: уверена в своих знаниях английского языка на 42%, поскольку не носитель и даже не активный пользователь.