
In the stormy depths of a tempest's wrath,
A brilliant flash illuminates the path,
A crackling bolt from sky to ground,
A spectacle of nature, profound.
Lightning, a dancer in the night,
A fleeting spark of blinding light,
It splits the sky with electric veins,
Echoes of power, in thunderous refrains.
With jagged fingers reaching down,
Touching Earth with a sizzling crown,
In chaotic beauty, it commands the air,
A force of nature, wild and rare.
The heavens rumble with thunder's voice,
As lightning strikes, a celestial choice,
Nature's fury unleashed and free,
Yet in its chaos, a symphony.
For in the dance of light and sound,
A spectacle of power is found,
A reminder of nature's might and grace,
In lightning's fleeting, fiery embrace.
So marvel at this electric sight,
In awe of nature's awesome might,
For in the storm's ferocious fight,
Lightning paints the canvas of the night.