a bird

On wings of grace through skies so wide,
A bird takes flight, a feathered guide,
With songs that ripple through the air,
A melody of freedom rare.
In dawn's soft light, it greets the day,
A symbol of hope in shades of gray,
Its plumage painted, a vibrant hue,
A living rainbow in plain view.
Through forests dense or city's throng,
The bird persists, its spirit strong,
A messenger from realms unseen,
In flight, a dance both fierce and serene.
It builds its nest with tender care,
A sanctuary in the open air,
A testament to life's sweet refrain,
In every chirp and trill, a joyful gain.
Oh, bird of wonder, heart of flight,
A muse for dreams in darkest night,
Your presence lifts our spirits high,
Reminding us to soar and fly.
In fleeting moments as you pass,
A symbol of freedom, first and last,
You teach us lessons of the sky,
To spread our wings and learn to fly.