night call

In the velvet hush of the midnight hour,
When stars shimmer like diamonds in the sky,
A haunting melody begins to flower,
A night call that stirs the soul to fly.
A lone owl hoots its mournful tune,
Echoing through the silent woods,
Beneath the watchful, silver moon,
Nature's symphony in solitudes.
A distant howl breaks the stillness,
A wolf's cry carried on the breeze,
A primal sound, born of wilderness,
That speaks of ancient lands and trees.
The night call whispers secrets deep,
Of hidden realms beyond our sight,
Where shadows dance and spirits creep,
In the mystic embrace of the night.
Amidst the darkness, a symphony thrives,
Of creatures unseen yet deeply known,
Their voices echo in moonlit archives,
A timeless chorus, a nocturnal tone.
So listen close to the night's soft call,
Let it weave its magic around your soul,
For in its depths, mysteries enthrall,
In the night's embrace, we find our whole.