
In the shadowed depths where chaos reigns,
Where echoes of conflict pierce the plains,
Menacing drums of battle's call,
A world engulfed in a grim downfall.
War, a beast with jaws of steel,
Devouring hope with relentless zeal,
It tears at bonds that once held strong,
Leaving behind a desolate song.
Soldiers march with burdened souls,
Beneath a sky that darkly rolls,
Their hearts weighed down by fear and dread,
In this theater where many have bled.
The earth, once lush with life's embrace,
Now scarred and marred, a haunting trace,
Of lives extinguished in the fray,
Of dreams and futures swept away.
Families shattered, torn apart,
By the cruel hands of war's cruel art,
Children orphaned, innocence lost,
In the tempest of war's ruthless cost.
Yet amid the ashes and the pain,
Courage flickers, a steadfast flame,
In hearts that yearn for peace's light,
To banish war's relentless blight.
Let us seek a path of peace and grace,
To heal the wounds of this dark place,
And never forget the toll it takes,
When humanity's worst within us wakes.