We are

I had an illusion,
One wonderful dream:
I'm crazy in love
And also is he!

We're almost the same,
We have similar plan.
But only one difference:
I'm a woman, he's a man.

We're walking seaside,
We ride furious and fast,
The depth of the ocean
Is beckoning us.

We're flying the sky
And have no fear to fall,
Because our tandem
Is holding us on.

We're laughing out loud,
We're kissing non-stop,
We're happy and proud:
Together on top!

We're always on path,
We're learning and grow,
We know and we must
Create real love!

Our family is strong
And beliefs are uncrushed!
We care, we respect,
We protect and we trust!

Our kids are big-eyed
And with marvelous smile,
Like cute little angels
Downed to us from the sky...

But it's just a dream...
Or it's not...
I don't know..
Won't open my secret -
Keep holding my vow!