The monologue (dialogue) with Lord Buddha …

The monologue (dialogue) with Lord Buddha …
Dear Lord Buddha, help me please…
Guide me, please…
Because I'm totally lost...
Dear Lord Buddha Shakyamuni…
You left eating meat because
You wanted to decrease the amount of killing on this Planet…
That's why I worship You and I accept Your aim, Your vision, Your mission and Your thoughts...
I'm also a vegetarian (vegan), but people don't understand me...
People don't understand my thoughts about friendship, love, good or bad things and actions...
People don't understand the philosophy of Sansara (reincarnation) which I believe in by all my heart...
People don't understand the rules of Karma which I accept and follow by all my heart...
People don’t understand the principle of Ahimsa, which I accept and follow by all my heart…
Dear Lord Buddha!
I'm totally lost...
I don't know what to do and where to go...
That's why I came to You to ask for Your help and support...
Help me, please…
Guide me, please…
Give me a sign, please…
I worship You and love You by all my heart and soul...
You just don’t leave me, please…
© Uma Parvati Poudyal
“Train your mind to see something good in everything.”
( Siddhartha Gautama Buddha )