Not a single soul...

Not a single soul...
Not a single soul
Could see world through my eyes,
Not a single soul
Could hear it with my ears,
Not a single soul
Could breathe with lungs I breathe,
Not a single soul
Could touch the way I touch.
Not a single soul
Could feel the way I feel,
Not a single soul
Could think the way I think,
Not a single soul
Could bleed the way I bled,
Not a single soul
Сould understand my pain.
Not a single soul?
Not a single soul...
Not a single soul
Could live the way I lived.
Sweetness of my dreams
And bitterness of life.
Sorrow, fears and pain,
That never let me fly.
Not a single soul
Could die the way I died...
Not a single soul?
Not a single soul.
От: 10.02.2017