
At night a lot of weird thoughts come in my skull.
About my present life, the opportunities I’ve lost.
And in these moments I’m some kind of ghost,
Because the total score of all my deeds is null.
What is the point to make an easy force,
When there is almost nothing I can change this way?
At once all things around me appear to be grey,
Because of comprehension that I've lost my godly course!
“What do you sense in moments of despair like this?”- people can ask.
I’m really sure that everybody’s felt this feeling somewhen.
And there’s no need to talk about it, my dear young men.
Just look into your soul without being scared, take off a mask.
Most people will blame you for a show of your spiritual pains,
Which’ve been hidden deep far in your sensitive soul.
To free own mind from all bad sorrow, is the main of it goal.
So don’t care about views of others. Let’s break tight chains!
There are no strict morals at all in this verse,
There are only my thoughts about sadness.
So I hope it won’t give you a feeling of madness,
All I want is to free myself from night stress.