Losted F.

Have you ever thought about the essence of a friend?
So many meanings have appeared in my head at once.
And there’re a lot of things about which I’ve never meant,
Here is my proposal, let’s take a glance!
At first you call him “bro” and that’s enough,
The only thing you want is his strong shoulder.
But later all your common interests become just useless stuff.
And your strong friendship, as it always is, gets colder
As usual friends should follow the so called “bros code”,
Cause there are rules for friendship in bad cases.
There is advice, there is a better way of mode
To save your friendship by using tested traces.
But let’s ask question: Who cares about rules,
When all you need is just to use a man?
As usual there is an ugly snake which fools,
Which bite you and inject its killing poison…Damn!
The worst thing is that you are fully in,
And simply you can share the things with him,
But it’s the biggest of mistakes for you to overhead give in.
Just notice: Everybody lies! So be afraid to go in steam.
So what’s the essence of a friendship for you?
It is your right to make a big decision.
Cause as for me, I do not have a clue.
And all I can is to show my own vision.