Sweet Annie

I’ve tried to think that she’s the devil,
Who sucked the blood out of my veins,
But now I realize that I’m the only evil,
Which tried to put myself in chains
Of hate or whatever rubbish words,
That I can refresh in my memory,
But the truth is, she was not the worst,
She was, no-no…she IS the best for me
And even now it hasn’t a bit changed,
Only the status, maybe…yeah, it did,
So what? Should I call for revenge
Or better, plant the “future seed”
Which’ll be the end of our likely life
And the beginning of a real one,
Where I am not a husband, she is not a wife,
But she’s my family and I’m the one
Who holds it and provides with love,
But not the kind of love that we both had…
And actually, I do not mean to curve,
But there is STILL a place for baked bread.
Life’s got a box with everything one wants;
You haven’t got a chance to seize too many,
But all I know is that no matter any costs,
I WILL get all I need for my sweet Annie.