only one night

In the depths of her despair, a glimmer appeared,
A colleague whose presence brought solace near,
Her heart, once frozen in depression's hold,
Melted with hope, as his kindness told.
A ray of light in her world so dim,
She saw in him a chance to swim,
Out of darkness into love's embrace,
A new beginning, a treasured place.
Their night of passion, a fleeting flame,
In his arms, she whispered her name,
But morning brought a harsh reality,
As he slipped away, leaving her in fragility.
She holds onto memories of that night,
A bittersweet moment, a heart's delight,
For he was the one who couldn't stay,
Yet in her heart, he'll forever lay.
Though he shattered her hopes, leaving scars,
She remembers the light among the stars,
A reminder of love's fragile grace,
In the memory of his fleeting embrace.