
In the quiet cradle of dawn's first light,
When darkness fades and shadows take flight,
The world awakens from slumber's embrace,
To greet the morning with gentle grace.
A golden glow paints the eastern sky,
As sunbeams kiss the earth, oh so nigh,
Birds begin their joyful serenade,
In melodies that dreams pervade.
The air is crisp with dewdrops' kiss,
A tranquil moment of nature's bliss,
The scent of blooms and fresh-cut grass,
A symphony of senses as moments pass.
Morning whispers secrets of the day,
Of new beginnings along the way,
Each breath a promise of hope and cheer,
As the world awakens, crystal-clear.
Time moves gently, yet swift and bright,
In the hush of morning's tender light,
A canvas blank, a story unwinds,
As dawn breaks and the soul unwinds.
Oh, morning, gentle and serene,
A cherished moment, calm and clean,
In your embrace, we find the start,
To fill our days with joy and heart.