ancient times

In the mists of ancient times, forgotten and old,
Lies a world of tales and mysteries untold,
Where echoes of empires and kingdoms rise,
In the shadows of history's timeless guise.
In lands of sand, where pyramids stand tall,
Built by hands that heeded Pharaoh's call,
Where hieroglyphs whisper of gods and kings,
And the Nile's waters echo ancient things.
In the cradle of civilization, Mesopotamia's domain,
Where Sumerians wrote on clay tablets, their wisdom plain,
Inscribed with laws and hymns to skies above,
A testament to human triumph and love.
In the golden age of Greece, where gods held sway,
Olympus' legends in marble and clay,
Philosophers pondered life's deepest mystery,
In the agora's hub of thought and history.
Rome, mighty Rome, with its legions bold,
Conquering lands with banners unrolled,
A republic's rise and an empire's fall,
Leaving behind ruins standing proud and tall.
In ancient China, where dynasties ruled,
The Great Wall stood as guardians, strong and fueled,
Silk roads traced paths of trade and wonder,
Connecting cultures like threads torn asunder.
Across the seas, in the Americas wide,
Mayans charted stars, their secrets to bide,
Temples hidden in jungles, cities lost in time,
A testament to civilizations in their prime.
Oh, ancient times, where shadows dance,
In the remnants of ruins, we take a chance,
To glimpse the lives lived long ago,
In the ebb and flow of history's glow.
Let us honor the past, its wisdom profound,
In tales and artifacts that still abound,
For in ancient times, we find our roots,
A legacy echoing in eternal pursuits.