
In life's quiet corners, a miracle waits,
A whisper of wonder at heaven's gates,
It dances in sunlight, it sings in the rain,
A mystical force that defies all disdain.
A miracle blooms in a child's first breath,
In the quiet resilience of life after death,
It's seen in the eyes of those who believe,
In the power of hope they faithfully weave.
A seed pushing through hardened ground,
A symphony of stars in the night profound,
Miracles unfold in the beating of hearts,
In the courage to heal and mend broken parts.
It's the laughter that rises from deepest despair,
The answer to prayers whispered in air,
In moments of grace, unexpected and bright,
A miracle shines like a beacon of light.
It's the kindness of strangers, a touch so profound,
The strength to rise when we've stumbled down,
Miracles thrive in the depths of our soul,
Making us stronger, making us whole.
So cherish the magic that life can bestow,
In the everyday wonders that quietly grow,
For in each breath, each step, each smile,
Miracles abound, even in life's toughest mile.