Leaf rescue

Английский перевод стихотворения "Спасение листьев"
Leaves are falling; it want to be at the top of a tree -
Where they can see the distance,
Communicate with each other, rustle in the wind
When they were given this possibility.
The moon illuminates paths for them from the sky -
They don't need the light from the lanterns at all
But on a sudden faint rumble interrupted the calm
Yeah, the cloud-burst wanted to come on.
Drops come down fast, crashing into ways,
Turn into puddles becoming a barrier to passers
But not everything is inclement:
You can feel petrichor and freshness.
Leaves on the wet asphalt are nailed down
But they are not forgotten by the clear sky,
Here is dawn: already ready to get out beam
A spectrum of colors will appear.