
Among enmity, illnesses and damnations
The crowds will end their insignificant century.
Because of its insignificance every difference will be stopped,
Also the former person will begin to grunt.
Среди вражды, болезней и проклятий
Окончат толпы свой ничтожный век.
От серости различья прекратятся,
И станет хрюкать бывший человек.
Also people will be award each other with flattery
to make the way by their snouts to a feeding trough,
Serving for the golden calf and disgraceful tsars,
Having been awarded for their cunning.
И будут одарять друг друга лестью
И пробиваться рылами к кормушке,
служа Мамоне и царям бесчестным,
обвешавшись наградами за ушлость.