
I wanted all and now I have it,
But there’s some kind of killing me remorse.
I do not understand! I cannot get it!
Why am I suffering? What is the cause?
I said I love, I really do!
The problem’s that it causes damage
To her own life and mine, too.
It’s all or nothing, there’s no any bandage.
What am I supposed to take,
When taking one destroys the other?
I wanna build, but do not wanna break.
These options burn, their aches smother!
But if I take a look at what I get,
I will find out that getting more than loosing.
I realize, it won’t be easy to forget,
But life is life, no matter it’s confusing.
I choose a way, I will not leave it.
No matter what’s the price for that!
She’s mine. I’m hers. We choose it.
We will be happy, no regrets, the end.