A Belarusian dance

These loud sounds, jumping motions in a round.
A blue-eyed girls, who’s smashing in a drum like crazy.
A man who’s playing next to her, look around.
To feel an ancient rhythm is amazing!
Your legs will find the right moves,
Because they are inside, you feel them?
Ancestors left us simple dancing rules.
The simplest one: keep jumping like a ram!
It’s not the way of showing off your dancing skills,
I think it is the way to get a soul relief.
Cause when you dance, give in your wills.
Let music to come in. Dive into a myth!
How naturally cool it was before,
When people were like animals, so wild!
They had just basic instincts, nothing more.
And each of them was like a little child.
Let’s be as crazy as they were those days!
Cause nowadays we’re too strict, agree?
Can’t simply have a fun, we’ve lost our trace.
So I think we must dance and let it be!