A boring evening

What should I do or not today?
I ask myself this question and it presses.
There are so many plans I don’t want to delay,
But in the end I just do nothing. Oh, it stresses!
Day by day walk around the room with this issue,
Day by day walk around the room without face.
Where is my will? Please come back. Know, I miss you.
Cause without you can’t find my right place.
The living torch is slowly burning out,
When there is nothing to put my soul in.        
At these moments I understand the phrase, which is about
The importance of life-enhancing norepinephrine.
A life without crazy motions, as I think,
It’s not a happy life at all, my friends.
I’d rather have my life in color pink,
And jogging on the streets without pants.
My poem is becoming more pointless,
Cause even ugly guys have appeared here.
But when your day has melted away it is horrible,
So you start writing meaningless poems like me.