Poor creatures!!!

Where do we live today my dear friends?
Have you ever asked yourself this question?
How can we live in such a daffy world,
                                                     how could exist?
I wanna tell my truth, I have to mention…
Cause nowadays the young can’t even buy just pants
Without announcing it! What is the point in such feast?
I cannot understand the reason for that intention
And I would rather be now blind and deaf at least.
I cannot bear to see all the time these meaningless posts
Which have killed our modern society with a knife!
These crazy are commenting their own little steps
And I don’t wanna be a part of such fucking life!
The whole Internet is full of citations and posts
Which are allegedly describing their horrible haps!
And I sympathize to a poor husband and wife
Whose damn child has got into such crappy traps.
Now the youngsters are weeping about the fatality
That has ruined their pure priceless lives.
The VK  is full of citations and tears
And by posting they’re trying to tell:”We’re wise!”
But that’s simply ridiculous to see the reality
Through the prism of their foolish child fears.
Sober up or continue to live in your cries!
But I’m begging shut up and don’t bother the normal,
                                                                            my dears.