
Upon the rooftops, a gentle drumming,
Nature's symphony softly strumming,
The heavens open, a silver cascade,
As raindrops fall in a serenade.
A rhythmic dance upon the ground,
A soothing melody all around,
Each drop a note in nature's song,
Echoing feelings deep and strong.
Fields and forests drink their fill,
Quenching thirst with a tranquil thrill,
Leaves glisten with a shimmering sheen,
In the quiet beauty of the rain-washed scene.
Puddles form like mirrors bright,
Reflecting clouds in the fading light,
The earth exhales a grateful sigh,
As raindrops kiss the world goodbye.
Oh, rain, you cleanse and you renew,
Bringing life to all that grew,
Your gentle touch, a calming grace,
A gift from sky's celestial embrace.
So let us pause and listen clear,
To the symphony of rain so near,
In each drop, a story told,
Of nature's secrets, wise and old.